速報APP / 遊戲 / Giggle Land™ Drive & Seek

Giggle Land™ Drive & Seek



檔案大小:307.1 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 6.0 或以上版本。與 iPad 相容。


Giggle Land™ Drive & Seek(圖1)-速報App

Drive & Seek lets you drive Presley, Dazzle or Zip across Giggle Land in search of Boris the Bear, Wipeout Willie and dozens of other colorful characters. Use your headlights to spot all six of a given character to collect that character’s trophy. There are multiple maps to explore, each with its own set of hidden characters, adding up to round after round of surprises and fun!

Giggle Land™ Drive & Seek(圖2)-速報App

If you have a Hallmark Giggle Land book and activity set, grab your hand-held Presley and Dazzle toys to hear them interact with the app, cheering you on as you drive and seek your way to victory. Additional maps are available to download for just $.99.

Giggle Land™ Drive & Seek(圖3)-速報App

Key Features:

Giggle Land™ Drive & Seek(圖4)-速報App

•Simple, toddler-friendly gameplay

Giggle Land™ Drive & Seek(圖5)-速報App

•Interacts with physical Giggle Land vehicles

•Additional maps available for download
